Here are some questions and answers which may be of use. The first section is a jump table to the actual questions.

This list should be fairly short.



General Questions

Do I sync with DIYDrones/Master?

Yes. This project is regularly synced with the master branch but it really depends on my schedule.

Where is your source?

You can find my fork here.

git clone git://github.com/nwind21/ardupilot.git C:\<your git working root>\nwind21\ardupilot

What is your development environment?

I use a Vagrant with Puppet provisioned 12.04 Precise 32 on a Lenovo Yoga i7 laptop with VTX enabled for multi-core support.

For editing I use: Notepad++, Eclipse

For documentation and this site, I use Jekyll.


Vagrant failed to bring up.

This can be a few things:

  • Did you enable VTX in your BIOS?
  • Do you have the right number of cores (edit the Vagrantfile)
  • Do you have a network connection? Puppet needs to get from ubuntu mirrors

Vagrant cannot mount shared folders

You probably have VirtualBox version 4.3.10 and installed the Guest Additions.

  1. You can either upgrade to 4.3.12 (confirmed to be fixed) Remounting VBox Additions ISO on VBox Upgrade or
  2. Run the script /home/vagrant/vbox_patch.sh and restart your machine using vagrant reload