23 September 2014
The parts lists can be found here: Parts Manifest
Parts are in for the 330mm flyer based on the DJI F330 knockoff from HobbyKing. I did notice that the DJI has some nice features like an integrated power distribution in the lower plate which saves the trouble of having to wire a harness or get a distribution board. The HobbyKing F330 frame has some flex near the motor pads. I expected the arms to be stiffer but can't speak to whether the DJI frame has the same flex.
I've received most of the parts from:
I am using a FrSky module which matches with the Radio from 3DR for the Iris; opting in for the telemetry based option.
Parting from the APM code base, I also chose the MultiWii controller to get some exposure to other autopilots. I did consider KK and a few others, but decided to give this one a try.
The parts were plugged into xcalc which came up with these values: